The site Ars Romanica came out of the project Romanesque: Medieval Monuments of Emilia-Romagna, winner of the “Young, Atypical & Multimedia-Savvy” initiative of the Accordo di Programma Quadro on the subject of young politics: “Young, Evolved and Aware” (GECO) of the Region of Emilia-Romagna.
The complexity of the project and the articulation of the website are the result of the work of several collaborators, who have worked as a team, offering dozens of different skills, coordinated for the optimal realization of the objectives. The cultural association Rabisch, already for several years active in the region, offered the organizational structure for the different components of the staff, while the young and dynamic company Bregoweb provided the graphics and the web development.
The project was realized at two distinct levels, the first that of the project developers who won the initial invitation: the art historians Paolo Cova, Manuela Falco and Ilaria Negretti; computer engineer in telecommunications, Matteo Bregonzio, and Lorenza Iannacci, a medieval historian.
The second phase was carried out by a professional and technical staff, who oversaw the material, technical and graphic components of the multimedia platform. These specialists also helped the core members of the project, allowing them to develop the necessary skills for the successful maintenance and implementation of Ars Romanica. Among the various collaborators, Giacomo Calogero, Valeriana Cedrola, Francesca Grandi and Ilaria Marangon researched and wrote the descriptions of the monuments. Aurelia D’Antonio, Matteo Mattarello and Andrea Verdecchia were responsible for the English translations, the web design and the graphic development, respectively.
During her curricular internship of the School of Specialization in Historical and Artistic Heritage of the University of Bologna, Silvia Delevati was responsible for the completion of the web site, translating into French the contents and completing the translation of the monuments cards. Finally Melania Mezzetti took care of the promotion of the site at the companies of the territory.
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