The graceful church of San Giorgio is located about a kilometer from the town of Argenta, along the Strada Cardinala to Campotto and the river Reno. The church was founded in 569 by the Archbishop of Ravenna Agnello, and represents the oldest religious site of the province of Ferrara. The beautiful Ravennate altar, decorated with lambs bearing crosses and two iconostasis colonnettes, is from this early phase, as are the fragments of frescoes and mosaic pavement originally found in the apse, and today seen in the Civic Museum of Argenta. Beneath the church, the foundations of an older, perhaps Arian church have been found.
Over the course of the centuries, the building has undergone several alterations, some the result of necessary arrangements due to the unstable alluvial terrain. The present level of the church is three meters higher than it was originally. In the 12th century, the church was expanded to include aisles, terminating in a pentagonal apse. On the exterior faces of the perimeter walls, the traces of the arches that divided the nave and aisles, removed in the 16th century. Of the 12th-century additions, perhaps commissioned by the Archbishop Gualterio, fresco traces remain on the interior, as well as an elegant Romanesque marble portal, with a date of 1122 on the architrave, as well as its sculptor, Giovanni da Modigliana. The lunette is decorated with the martyrdom of Saint George. Beginning in the 13th century, the site was gradually abandoned. Today the church is found at the edge of the natural reserve of the Valleys of Campotto, part of the regional park of the Po Delta.